Oily Baby – Abdullah Alsree

Oily Baby - Abdullah Alsree

This is my second born – Abdullah! Abdullah is a true blue oily baby. When a friend did this meme for me, I thought it was hilarious, but apt. Hehe. After all, Abdullah has been exposed to oils since utero. I used Progessence Phyto Plus to provide support to my hormones before and during pregnancy (please check with your healthcare professional if you are using oils for the first time). Gentle Baby & Rose Ointment to prevent new stretch marks (it lightened my old stretch marks too!), Valor & Stress Away (among others) to make my pregnancy much more comfortable and even oils during labour (this deserves an entire post in itself, lol). After Abdullah was born, he was anointed with Sacred Frankincense. Abdullah is now 8months 3weeks, happy & healthy! Since birth, all his baby woes have been fixed with essential oils, breast milk, coconut oil & prayer!

Look out for my oily birth story soon! Adious!