Young Living Lifestyle Change!

I began 2014 with resolution for better health for the entire family, myself included. So I worked towards my goal, my health project as you may call it, religiously using my Young Living products to support our journey and I am glad to say, the results are definitely showing!


We’ve lost weight as a family (yay!) and we feel much more energized! It really helps us a lot, having to keep up with 2 young children, on top of having so many other things to do as well!


For the hubs, the change in his energy level is most apparent. He has started cycling again after years of no exercise! His cycling adventures include cycling to places like Mount Faber, Marina Bay, Yishun and even Sentosa… all beginning from our home in Kembangan. Hubby’s favourite supplement is Sulfurzyme which helps with the inflammatory pains he gets after long hours of strenuous activities. He no longer complains of leg cramps post cycling! His chest pains, which used to be very frequent, are also kept under control with his consistent intake of sulfurzyme. Besides Sulfurzyme, hubby also takes Omegagize supplements which I am certain helps with his blood pressure. Omegagize contains Clove EO and bioidentical CoQ10 which is great for cardiovascular related illnesses! He complains less of body heatiness, eye pains and neck aches related to increase in pressure. He also takes either Tangerine (vitality) EO or Grapefruit (vitality) EO in capsules which helps with his circulation. He is less sluggish and bloated for sure! He is slowly, and surely, on the road to be back to his wedding weight and less! Hurray!


For myself, my most obvious change is weight lost and improved skin, for sure! With my regular intake of ningxia red, ningxia nitro, sulfurzyme and lemon (vitality) in water, I feel myself healthily detoxing both on the inside and outside. I have regular bowel movements (I know this is tmi, lol, but it is so important!) and less occurances of heartburn and indigestion. The ningxia red juice and sulfurzyme also seem to give a glow to my skin tone! woohoo!

When I added the petrochemical weight lost to my routine, along with cel-lite magic massage oil and a few other oils to balance hormones and stress, I saw the real magic happen. Years of weight build-up that just couldn’t go away, literally melted off. Best of all, I feel less need to snack and my palate has definitely changed! Those who know me from childhood are amazed that after years and years, since toddlerhoood, I am finally eating my vegetables! Best of all, I truly enjoy them! Amazing!


Having seen the many positive changes, I am even more motivated now to improve further. The oils truly bring the body back to balance and I’m sure everyone could do with more balance in life!

As always, I am truly grateful to have found these Young Living products. They have been a great tool in my ultimate goal towards self awareness, remaining grounded through life’s challenges and they have helped me remain positive in a world where chronic illnesses seem to be just too common. Furthermore, the ability to be on the journey of wellness and health with the entire family is truly a blessing.
For those of you who feel like your health is taking a back seat because you are just so busy with everyday life, please know that it doesn’t have to be this way! Alhamdulillah, I am so glad that the Hubby and I have seen these positive changes in ourselves and would love to invite others to join us on our journey.

Next project, working towards emotional balance. Super excited!!

Oily Mum Loves Her Oils!

After my last post about my oil routine for my kids, I was asked if I had a personal protocol myself with the oils…and of course, the answer is also YES! I use the oils on myself for a few reasons, to keep calm, to smell good (no more synthetic perfumed fragrances) and to keep healthy. I also follow my supplement routine strictly because honestly, although I do try my best to follow a healthy diet, hey, I am married to a chef and our family loves red meat! 😛

These are some of my favourite oils that I love. Just like the kids, some days I get more oils, and some day less. I let the oils ‘speak to me’ and I use what I feel I need for the day.

1) Valor and Clarity Essential Oil


I put Valor essential oil on my wrists in the morning to keep calm and reduce anxiety. I use with intent to stay grounded but yet confident in all that I do. For Clarity Essential Oil, I use it behind my ears and on my brain stem. I love the warm feeling it leaves on my skin. The oil keeps me focused and calm all at the same time. I realise I don’t panic as much when I use the oil!

2) Abundance Essential Oil


I use a few drops on my lower back and inhale deeply. Abundance essential oil is what I would call a manifesting blend that helps attract health and wealth into our lives. I have personally felt my energy transform when using this oil and I feel more driven to work hard. I find a sense of purpose in what I do and although I do have my “off” and lazy days, I spring back to action much easier these days when I need to. As per the Young Living website, it states that “Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. Abundance creates what is called the “law of attraction” which refers to the things we attract to ourselves. Abundance opens us to a wealth of possibilities.” The single oils that make up Abundance are also really strong oils that help boost immunity and can act as an expectorant as well! You can intent for an abundance of health as well with this oil!

3) Endoflex Essential Oil and Phyto Progessence Plus

In a bid to keep my womanly levels in check, I apply Progessence on my inner arms and on my neck over my carotid arteries almost everyday. I also apply Endoflex on my kidneys and inner ankles. I do find myself getting less stressed and more at ease when I use these oils. What with breastfeeding and recently giving birth (ok I know 10 months is not that recent haha), my body does need some time to readjust and the oils definitely support this process quite beautifully.

4) Cel lite magic massage oil and Lemon + Grapefruit Essential Oil


Well, I guess all I need to say is that my post partum tummy needed help 😛

Happy to report, it is helping awesomely. I have definitely gone down to prepregancy size hehe. More about my weight lost story next time 😉

5) Supplements – Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro, Omegagize and Sulfurzyme

I take 2 x 30-60ml of Ningxia Red daily. Ningxia Red is a beautiful anti oxidant drink. It is a wolfberry puree infused with essential oils. It helps with circulation, digestion, energy and it has helped my complexion too! I feel my immunity improving with Ningxia Red and I can still function throughout the day despite having woken up countless times the night before from feeding the baby lol.


Every other day, I add Ningxia Nitro to my Ningxia Red. Ningxia Nitro is a natural energy drink and i find that I get a cognitive boost out of it. It is high in B vitamins and I noticed that the cramps I used to get in my upper arms before when I wake up from sleep has reduced a lot. It occurs much less frequently since I started Nitro!

I also take 2 capsules of Omegagize daily and although it is somewhat less than the recommended dosage of 4 a day, I do find that it is helpful. I am definitely less forgetful post Abdullah than I was post Hashim. Omegagize, besides being an Omega 3 supplement, also contains CoQ10 and is good for cardiovascular health.

I take 3 capsules of Sulfurzyme twice or thrice daily as well. Sulfurzyme contains natural MSM, which has many many benefits, but the main reason I take Sulfurzyme is to detoxify my liver. Fatty liver is just so common these days and with liver ailments running in my family history, there is definitely good in supporting myself!

So there you have it! These are my some of my everyday oils and supplements that I use routinely.

Have an oily good day!