My Firstborn, Hashim

My Firstborn, Hashim

WARNING! WORDY POST AHEAD! Heh. Writing about something very dear to me. Filled with beneficial oily tips that has worked for us, of course hee.

My firstborn, Hashim, is now 3years 6months old. He is the reason I began my oily journey and the reason why I believe so much in what I do. Hashim’s latest diagnosis from the doctors is Dystonic Cerebral Palsy (the diagnosis keep changing. hmm..). To summarize his birth history, Hashim was not breathing at time of birth and suffered brain injuries to his mid brain as a result. There was a new medical therapy at his time of birth called Hypothermia therapy, which involved Hashim’s body temperature to be lowered to 33degrees. This improved his survival chances and reduced the severity of his brain injury. However, that was the only positive take back from his stay at the neonatal ICU. Hashim was given several different seizure medications at birth and had left the hospital in a tube. Doctors had also said that he would “definitely be cerebral palsied” and “probably cannot do normal functions”. And that was the beginning of our special journey.

I have, since then, been on a quest to do everything I could for my son. I starting learning about natural child development and complementary therapies. Hashim was sent for both mainstream (Occupational & Speech) and alternative therapies including Braingym, Craniosacral Therapy and Traditional Massage. I did programs for him from home and I set out to change our lifestyle – from the food we eat to the household products we use because Hashim, more than the rest of us, was extremely sensitive to harmful chemicals. With Hashim being G6PD Deficient as well, he was also not able to take a lot of medication. His immunity was also compromised due to his condition and Allopathic medication was not really an option for Hashim. We needed him to stay as healthy as possible, prevention is better than cure.

Then one day, I was introduced to essential oils. I purchased the Everyday Oil Kit & RC and we (my entire family) have not looked back since. Everything we needed, we could find by using our oils. Slowly, I began to learn about using the Young Living essential oils & supplements to support Hashim’s condition and I realised that these products were the missing piece to our puzzle. All the therapies done on him, the effects seemed to amplify positively with the use of essential oils & natural supplements. There are still difficult days with Hashim, but his development is a far cry from what was ever expected of him. My child can now walk, talk and he loves to sing! He is gaining confidence, is cheeky but is soft hearted all at once.

Here is some of the top oily things that have worked for us:

1) Frankincense essential oil and Ningxia Red.

This was huge for us. Every morning, we added 2 drops of Frankincense (vitality) into 20ml of Ningxia Red. We were warned in advanced that things may get slightly worse before they got better (a.k.a. Healing Crisis) so we used a lot of Release over his liver to calm him down during this period. True enough, what seemed to be tough times the first 2 weeks or so, we began to see a lot of improvements suddenly. Before we started this protocol, Hashim was already speaking. However, we noticed that Hashim began to speak whole sentences and was able to think more logically as well. We could finally have interesting two way conversations with him complete with his toddler logic hehe.

2) Sulfurzyme supplement and Juvacleanse essential oil.

With the addition of the miracle supplement Sulfurzyme and Juvacleanse essential oil into Hashim’s daily routine, we noticed that Hashim’s behaviour improved. These products support liver cleansing and heavy metal detox and they definitely assisted to put his system back to balance.

3) Transformation and Valor essential oil.

We had been doing Valor on his back along his spine for a long time now, and his balance was improving with it. However, when we added Transformation essential oil on his crown to the protocol, I witnessed with my own eyes Hashim becoming more confident. He began to walk a lot more and with less hesitance. He grew confidence to climb the stairs and cross over small drains along the way. All with a smile.

4) Cedarwood and vetiver essential oil.

These oils are oxygenating to the brain and has definitely helped Hashim. They help him sleep better and think more clearly. He is able to stay on one task longer since we started these oils on him. Previously, he barely even played a single toy for longer than 5 minutes!

5) Peace & Calming essential oil and RutaVala roll on.

These oils are key to helping Hashim sleep better. Everyone knows how important sleep is for growing children, but for a child like Hashim, it is even more important. Our brains grows and restores when we sleep, and the oils did help him sleep through most of the night instead of the hourly cries.

Currently, we are starting him more consistently on Brain Power (we have been doing it on and off) and we are waiting to see more magic happen, insyaallah. Along with all the oily routine done on him, we still send him for therapy, we try our best to keep up a program at home and we feed Hashim as clean a diet as possible. We are surrounded by family that support us and pray for us. Most importantly, we always remind ourselves to count our blessings and remember the Almighty for all his blessings showered upon us by gifting us with our special child. Ever grateful to find my Young Living oils.

Till next time.